Photography Retreat

Photography Retreat

Our friend from church was approached by a woman who was there doing a photography retreat with Leah Remillet. She was looking for willing participants, and our friend thought of...

Photography Retreat

Our friend from church was approached by a woman who was there doing a photography retreat with Leah Remillet. She was looking for willing participants, and our friend thought of...

Tour Eiffel!

Tour Eiffel!

Much less us, more Paris in other posts! ;)

Tour Eiffel!

Much less us, more Paris in other posts! ;)

The Last of Winter

The Last of Winter

I was home in time for Valentine's Day! We tried a Persian restaurant called Behesht! It was beautiful and tasty. Also the prices were really nice. ;) We wouldn't recommend...

The Last of Winter

I was home in time for Valentine's Day! We tried a Persian restaurant called Behesht! It was beautiful and tasty. Also the prices were really nice. ;) We wouldn't recommend...

Photos with Carolina Lindsay

Photos with Carolina Lindsay

I love this photographer. .

Photos with Carolina Lindsay

I love this photographer. .

Somos Dos

Somos Dos

When I was little, I didn't really notice how precious time was. You take a breath and a moment is gone. You wake up and a person is no longer...

Somos Dos

When I was little, I didn't really notice how precious time was. You take a breath and a moment is gone. You wake up and a person is no longer...



The ocean and love. It's hard to believe that Boricua and I have been married for a WHOLE YEAR. But we have! And to celebrate, we took half of the...


The ocean and love. It's hard to believe that Boricua and I have been married for a WHOLE YEAR. But we have! And to celebrate, we took half of the...

Post it Forward

Post it Forward

Sometimes, I think what I want most when I’m going through a tough time is just for someone to understand me. So in this #Postitforward, if there is anyone out...

Post it Forward

Sometimes, I think what I want most when I’m going through a tough time is just for someone to understand me. So in this #Postitforward, if there is anyone out...

Four Month Anniversary

Four Month Anniversary

Today is the four month anniversary of our civil marriage in Humacao. I don’t really have words for how much I love Boricua, and no matter how many I use, I would...

Four Month Anniversary

Today is the four month anniversary of our civil marriage in Humacao. I don’t really have words for how much I love Boricua, and no matter how many I use, I would...

Un Paseo

Un Paseo

"Noche cubana puertorriqueñamorena bonita de alma sensual con tu sonrisa de luna y ojos de estrella. Voz de susurro de frondas y arrullo de mar besas con brisa y tu...

Un Paseo

"Noche cubana puertorriqueñamorena bonita de alma sensual con tu sonrisa de luna y ojos de estrella. Voz de susurro de frondas y arrullo de mar besas con brisa y tu...


Groomals with Carolina Lindsay, at the Provo Library. I think she has the magic touch. We are so grateful that she sent us these previews!


Groomals with Carolina Lindsay, at the Provo Library. I think she has the magic touch. We are so grateful that she sent us these previews!

Our Wedding by the Sea.

Our Wedding by the Sea.

Our wedding by the sea. Photos by Ali Lanenga. I’m in love with her style! I'm also in love with my husband (my new favorite word) of one month and...

Our Wedding by the Sea.

Our wedding by the sea. Photos by Ali Lanenga. I’m in love with her style! I'm also in love with my husband (my new favorite word) of one month and...

The Best Surprise + Graduation

The Best Surprise + Graduation

I had the best surprise of my life on Wednesday evening… (note: all the non-blurry photos were taken by my incredibly talented Uncle!) J and I had finished the journey...

The Best Surprise + Graduation

I had the best surprise of my life on Wednesday evening… (note: all the non-blurry photos were taken by my incredibly talented Uncle!) J and I had finished the journey...



I just wanted to write down how grateful I am to have my sisters in my life. I believe God puts us together with our siblings for a reason, and...


I just wanted to write down how grateful I am to have my sisters in my life. I believe God puts us together with our siblings for a reason, and...

A Quick Snapshot

A Quick Snapshot

It's been so long since I have written anything for my blog. A brief snapshot of my life recently should explain fairly well_ Tonight I am about 40 pages into...

A Quick Snapshot

It's been so long since I have written anything for my blog. A brief snapshot of my life recently should explain fairly well_ Tonight I am about 40 pages into...