

The Landmark food market with friends! It had opened the same week! The Airbnb and the £5/day motorcycle rental. I wanted a scooter, but the Airbnb host thought we were...


The Landmark food market with friends! It had opened the same week! The Airbnb and the £5/day motorcycle rental. I wanted a scooter, but the Airbnb host thought we were...



I almost didn't meet up with Boricua in Thailand for this work trip. You see, I've been neglecting to visit Argentina ever since I got home from my mission. I...


I almost didn't meet up with Boricua in Thailand for this work trip. You see, I've been neglecting to visit Argentina ever since I got home from my mission. I...

Una Visita

Una Visita

T & M came to visit us during the fall, and we got to go around for a few days! Here are some of the highlights of the days we...

Una Visita

T & M came to visit us during the fall, and we got to go around for a few days! Here are some of the highlights of the days we...

Things That Make Me Happy

Things That Make Me Happy

I apologize for the poor quality of the photos! I want every post to be so beautiful and flawless and high resolution, but sometimes great things happen and you record...

Things That Make Me Happy

I apologize for the poor quality of the photos! I want every post to be so beautiful and flawless and high resolution, but sometimes great things happen and you record...

Noche Boricua

Noche Boricua

Last night the people with whom I’m interning, invited Boricua and I to “Noche Boricua,” a fundraiser for their son’s senior class prom. I was so impressed by all of...

Noche Boricua

Last night the people with whom I’m interning, invited Boricua and I to “Noche Boricua,” a fundraiser for their son’s senior class prom. I was so impressed by all of...

Mercado Artesanal

Mercado Artesanal

El jueves Ara y yo fuimos a un mercado artesanal, navegamos bastante el Mexi-bus y el metro y fuimos al estético para que corte el cabello de Ara. Él decidió...

Mercado Artesanal

El jueves Ara y yo fuimos a un mercado artesanal, navegamos bastante el Mexi-bus y el metro y fuimos al estético para que corte el cabello de Ara. Él decidió...