Palatino, Foro Romano, Colosseo





The very spot. Et tu, Brute? According to the "extensive" research I did by reading wikipedia for two minutes, the historian who wrote about the Ides of March over a century later believed Caesar said nothing when he was assassinated. Others think he said "You too, child?" because Brutus was his protegé. It is so hard for me to internalize and conceptualize the fact that I was standing where Caesar had been assassinated. CAESAR! Killed! And there I am, around two THOUSAND years later!

Boricua wasn't having much of my cheesy sight-seeing tourist-y photos, so he didn't want to be in many pictures by himself but he took some of me, and more or less didn't complain for the selfies! ;) I mean, we were in ANCIENT ROME! Little old us!


Listening to our faithful travel companion, Rick Steves. I know, he's so cheesy. But the info is good, and free! We have listened to his audio through so much of Europe!



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