
Il cibo e l'alloggio




Boricua got a water-based as opposed to milk based dark chocolate here (it's the third, almost hidden scoop in the photo below) and it was to-die-for. I didn't want to come back to this area because, you know, too much to see, too many other gelaterias to try but I don't think we found one we liked as much as this for the rest of the trip.


This gelato was so good too. It was a chain, there is a video clip when we're there, you can see the chocolate running down the glass display.

One evening we walked to Ai Marmi, which I had found on a blog - my Italian coworker recommended a certain neighborhood to go for food and this was there!

Nutella on crispy bread, compliments of a well-stocked Airbnb :)

We thought this might have been a market something like Borough or Camden in London. This felt more like the one I used to shop at in Orán, Argentina.


The man at the counter called this pizza!

Around the corner from here there was another gelateria with great reviews that I wanted to try.


We didn't eat this but it looked amazing!



Our Airbnb was at the very top of a 17th century building. It looks like the street could be just below but it is actually a few stories down!

We felt like we took a gamble on this place since it was relatively unreviewed on Airbnb, and the photos weren't that great, but the owner was kind and the specs were promising, as well as the area, near to Castel Angelo! We were really happy we did. The Vatican was to our West about 15 min walking and the Pantheon to the East!



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