
Boricua had another event for his job, and I couldn't pass up the opportunity to visit Brussels!

One of the three grad programs I applied to was there, and I had also planned on doing an EU internship there through BYU while in undergrad before I met Jesús, after which my internship plans changed to Puerto Rico! ;)

So it felt very full circle and there was just no way I would miss the chance to visit the European Parliament. In order to keep it as inexpensive as possible, I took a bus there and back. That ended up being quite interesting, as the hours were long and we started and stopped at hard times of the day. I was also trying to work from the hotel as well as see a bit of Brussels so in all it was one of the most exhausting trips I've ever done.

I came home with what felt like a super extreme cold. Probably the worst sore-throat I've ever experienced. On the bus ride back (Boricua took a train with coworkers as his was a work trip) it was really cold which probably didn't help and I counted the minutes until I could be in bed.


When I finally got home after the coach arrived at the Victoria station, Boricua brought me herbal tea and medicine and honestly I don't remember after that, just lots of sweet rest.

Anyway. Brussels!!!!

This was the first trip I took with a new fixed 30mm camera lens, which acts more like a 50mm on my camera which isn't full frame. Don't ask me why though, I am so bad at understanding the mechanisms! One day!

One thing I do know for sure is that it has challenged in my style, as things are much more zoomed in than I would normally go for on the 18-55mm lens that the camera came with.



To say this neighborhood was dreamy would be an understatement.

There I am in the photo on the right!

At le Parc Royal et le Palais Royal de Bruxelles.

European Parliament


I, too, find nationalism antiquated and barbaric. It's the natural way of things, to find a sense of belonging in some sort of tribe, to gain unity and cohesion by togetherness, but at the same time it is so incredibly unfair and at the center of a despicable system of violence.

Here was a really cool visualization of politics in the EU.

I loved the display of inspiring/influential Europeans. These were hollow cylinders and you could stand inside and read in all the EU languages!

And then...

Nazi propaganda.

"Rue de l'homme chrétien""Kersten-Mannekensstraat""Street of the Christian man"

A caged primate.

"La plus petite maison du Bruxelles"


La Grand-Place, a UNESCO World Heritage site.



Versión Boricua


Walking to the bus in the morning.

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