Laying down sand
This is where Boricua used to keep his bike. Sadly it got stolen a few months ago, and it was well locked inside this parking area which is only accessible through a key or code!
Charles wasn't sure what to think about it all. When his paws touched the snow he thought, maybe I'd rather be inside and hurried to pee very fast!!
This is the manager at the estate agency's office downstairs. We let our flat from them. Charles LOVES her because she always gives him a chicken stick of some sort. In fact, one time, when Boricua got home from Brussels where he had been for a few days, he opened the door wanting to give Charles lots of love and attention, and Charles bolted right past him to see this person and get his treat!
This is where we used to live, not far from where we are now. It looked so pretty covered in white!
The very cool sidewalk cleaner.
We love this place. They yodel and everything.
Some new professional shots for Boricua <3