Happy Birthday tía!

My Auntie K has a birthday today. And do I love her.

She taught me how to dive when I was still a baby, took me on her dates, instilled a love of mountain biking from a young age (riding on her handlebars!), tried to help me not wear my favorite, but too-short flower dress, read me stories, pretended I was hers, taught me a little Korean, and, in all, made me feel like the most special niece an aunt could ever have. As I grew up, she got married to one of my favorite Uncles ;), she helped me with the Personal Progress program, inspired me to be a lifeguard, gave me my cousins, showed up at my cross country meets, indoctrinated Pride and Prejudice, cried with me when Sam jumped in after Frodo, demanded that I take the Auntie K oath, instigated the very important week-long birthday tradition, and finally, was one of my examples that helped me want to serve a mission.

These days, she’s been number-one Boricua interviewer and traveled across the country and back to be there when we got married. I only hope I can be as great of an Aunt! Thank you for being mine. I love you, tía. 생일!

A lot of the photos were taken by Dad and Uncle A. :)

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