A Belated Wedding Update

After the Puerto Rico wedding ceremony and most of the family went home, Arizona family was still here so we headed to Crashboat Beach. There were so many little fish swimming by our toes! We stopped at a new restaurant in Cabo Rojo that M told us about, and it made me happy because our family could try some authentic Puerto Rican food. The tostones were classic, and delicious.

Sadly, when we went to go see the bioluminescent bay, we couldn’t see much because the moon was so bright! Instead, we kayaked around and chatted. It just means they will have to come again! The very next day we were on a plane to Utah. Our flight coincided with the McWillers, so we hung out together in JFK and looked at all of Uncle A’s awesome gopro videos of swimming, boogie boarding, and zip lining. Once we were in Utah, Grandma finished my veil and we got our groomals taken, and before we knew it we had a bbq and the sealingI! I loved the sealing, because now Boricua and I are married not only until death do us part, but for forever. I loved being there with so many people whom we love, and love us. After the sealing we spent a good while taking photos outside of the Temple, it seemed like there were hundreds of couples there, and so many people with lace dresses, peach juliet roses and mint bridesmaids! Haha at least my colors were peach and sun-washed aqua. ;) We had time to grab some sushi and then head to the reception! It was wonderful! After the sparkler send-off, we went to the airport with J, on our way to the cruise! I’m so glad we got a little bit of time with her!

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