St. Lucia & St. Maarten

I’m sorry for all the couple selfies. I would tell you it will get better but I just can’t make promises I can’t keep! ;) St. Lucia was Thursday, but that day we just found a present for family at the local market and headed back to the ship. Someone tried to rob us, and after that jacuzzis, cuddling, and room service sounded better!

Saturday, St. Maarten, was Boricua’s favorite island. We went with another couple, actually the cruise paired us up with them because we were all honeymonoers from Puerto Rico, so we ate dinner together every night in the beautiful dining room. We loved our waiter, Lucas, a Colombian. He has been working there for decades to put his children through school. So with L and E, the other couple, we did Latin dancing the night before, and the next morning got up early to rent some jet skis on St. Maarten! That little hanging monkey in the corner is one of many towel animals waiting for us every evening when we got back to the room!

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