The lead-up!

Starting on Saturday, lots of family started arriving! I loved showing our Utah family around my in-laws' property, they have plants that retract when you touch them, banana trees, all kinds of tubers growing, papaya and lime trees, even oregano, cilantro, and spinach! After a tough Saturday what w/ waiting for hours to get checked in to their villa, a power outage, and a VERY long time spent in the emergency room, they deserved a peaceful Sunday.

Tuesday, the McWillers as well as Grammie & Granddad + Dad AND Nona & J had all arrived so we met up at El Yunque and played at the waterfall! So beautiful. Such a good adventure to follow up w/ Puerto Rican food at Los kioscos in Luquillo! Lots of canoas, rellenos de papa, and piononos!

On Wednesday we got our marriage license and a bunch different errands done, and Thursday we planned an excursion to the West side but between a flat tire and traffic we had to skip snorkeling and go straight to Playa Sucia (the lighthouse where Boricua proposed!). After relaxing and getting somewhat sunburned, we went to El Bohío and while every one was getting their food, we went as fast as we could to Don Frappé because we feel strongly that anyone who comes to PR needs to have a frappé de Nutella w/ Oreo whipped cream. We ordered 17 and came back with the air conditioning on full blast so they didn’t get too warm, ate fast and went to a secret bioluminescent bay! It was a long day, but I’m so happy we got to do all those activities with all that family!

Friday we did last minute preparations and picked R (best man) up from the airport, and then gathered everyone together to drive to Boricua's parents' residence caravan-style. There were 9 cars, and given the nature of Puerto Rican driving style, we used hazard-lights to stay together.


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