My Birthday

It’s been a swell birthday. After Spanish linguistics was over J and I headed up the mountain for our snowboarding/ski class. The weather was gorgeous, slightly making up for the fact that it hasn’t snowed recently and we need more powder!

When I got home there were tulips from Boricua!  Flowers are so lovely to receive, it’s ironic because they don’t last and you could buy other things that will stick around, but who wants that when you can have a beautiful bouquet to remind you how much someone cares? ;)  By far one of the best gifts was a birthday recording from Winnie and Ali (need I say more? CUTE attack!). For dinner, it was out to an Argentine/Chilean/Peruvian restaurant with my wonderful family, where I ran into Hna B! ¡Viva la misión Salta! I celebrated 24 years of life with a lomito (classic Argentine beef sandwich). Two dozen years, down. CRAZY! This time last year I was in Orán trying to ignore the fact that I would be coming home soon. Little did I know what was waiting! I hope the next dozen can be full of as much learning and as many privileges and amazing opportunities as the first two have!

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